From a fellow Anon.. #Throwback Reminder (Check Description)

1 year ago

Assange responded to Adam Schiff's claim that the DNC leak was by the Russians by pointing out that the United States has interfered in at least 81 elections since 1950 and the Wikileaks emails proved that the DNC rigged the primary against Bernie Sanders for Clinton:

"The United States government since 1950 has intervened in eighty-one elections, interfered to use Schiff's language. That is not including coups which have overthrown the government. There is a long history of the United States doing this to places around the world. Infamous ways. I think we should understand that the United States is in a glass house when it comes to allegations of attempting to interfere with election results.

From our perspective, we have just published accurately and fairly what Hillary Clinton said her positions were in her secret speeches and any relation to the DNC and its attempt to rig the primary to exclude Bernie Sanders. The heart of the issue is whether people were told the truth about the DNC. If there hadn't been an ugly truth there, it wouldn't have made a difference."

Our source wasn't from the Russian state."

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