This is Not America by David Bowie and Pat Metheny ~ The Collapse of the Cabal...

1 year ago

This song started as an Instrumental for the Jazz Recording Duo of Pat Metheny and Lyle Mays, but when David Bowie heard this piece, he Loved it so much, it inspired him to write lyrics for it, for the Brilliant Movie, The Falcon and the Snowman, starring Timothy Hutton and Sean Penn, a Movie that reveals the UGLY Truth about a Corrupt Country that once was the Miracle Creation of the Republic of the United States of America...

Bowie wrote this song with a great deal of Passion within his Heart Chakra, as Bowie quite liked America, and was living in New York City, but was beginning to despair, as he saw this once great Nation FALL into the Trap that the Demons had laid out for it...for the Video, I created a compilation of scenes based upon Detroit, Michigan, where this once Proud City that had reigned supreme within Industrialized America, but had now fallen upon PREDETERMINED 'Hard Times', and the City's original Inner Core, that featured a lot of Beautiful architecture, was now an abandoned Cess Pool of Junk and Despair...

And as both the Song and the Video demonstrate, the Collapse of Detroit is not just the Collapse of America, but the Modernized World as well, which is precisely where we find ourselves DEEP Within, TODAY, as this Mechanized Hydra of Manmade Creation and Consumption, now CHOKES itself upon its Selfish and Evil Plans, as American Families continue to sink Deeper and Deeper, not only into Debt, but into a State of ZERO MORALITY, where Anything goes, and the 'Truth' belongs to the Highest Corporate Bidder of Propaganda and Lies...

This Song represents the COLLAPSE of the Cabalistic World, and foreshadows the Re-Borning of a NEW EARTH, one that is NOT concerned about Jobs, Money and Possessions, but rather, a World where ALL MEN and WOMBMEN are FREE to Discover, WITHIN themselves, just who and what they are, and how they wish to see this Earth that they find themselves Living upon, both in Peace and Abundance...

Enjoy this Powerful Song,

Love, CF

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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