Push-pull Pot Mods - The Blower Switch

1 year ago

Have you ever wanted to make a Les Paul sound like a Strat? Engage a kill switch with the flick of the wrist? Or maybe you want to capture that killer Queen sound of Brian May. If that’s you, then keep reading! In this article, we uncover the mysteries of the push-pull pot by taking a look at how it functions and also showing you some of the cool wiring options this handy gadget is capable of.

By engaging the blower switch mod, you bypass all the components and run a pickup straight to the output jack. This is a quick and easy way to get a bit of a boost from your signal. You can easily throw in a quick lead line with the flip of a switch, and it’s like dialing your volume to 10. When you’re done with your lead, you can quickly go right back to playing rhythm, and your volume and tone settings remain just the way they were. It’s kind of like having a dB boost at your disposal, without the need to worry about changing a dead battery.

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