Push-pull Pot Mods - The Seven-sound Strat

1 year ago

Have you ever wanted to make a Les Paul sound like a Strat? Engage a kill switch with the flick of the wrist? Or maybe you want to capture that killer Queen sound of Brian May. If that’s you, then keep reading! In this article, we uncover the mysteries of the push-pull pot by taking a look at how it functions and also showing you some of the cool wiring options this handy gadget is capable of.

Another way to stretch out the guitar’s sonic possibilities with a push-pull pot is the Seven-sound Strat mod. The 5-way selector switch on a Fender Stratocaster gives you a lot of pickup switching options, but there are some limitations. For example, you have three pickups but can’t activate all of them at once. This mod adds the bridge pickup in positions 4 and 5. The two additional switching options give you the bridge and neck pickup on together as well as all pickups on at once. This mod makes it really simple to access seven pickup configurations instead of the conventional five.

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