CCP-subsidized state-owned companies use predatory pricing and fraudulent actions to evade tariffs

1 year ago

8/30/2023 【Wisconsin Roundtable: Chinese Communist Party Threat to American Manufacturing】Congressman LaHood: Sunsong, a public CCP-subsidized state-owned enterprise, engaged in predatory pricing and fraudulent maneuvers to evade tariffs and make it nearly impossible for its American competitors to compete with it. This is part of the CCP’s “Made in China 2025” plan, and to push it back, the federal government needs to be more equipped to quickly and efficiently support our small and medium-sized manufacturers.
#CCP #US #Manufacture #CCPThreat #TakeDowntheCCP
8/30/2023 【威斯康星圆桌讨论会: 中共对美国制造业的威胁】拉胡德众议员:中共国国有上市公司三祥科技靠着中共的补贴及欺诈行为进行掠夺性定价并逃避关税,使得美国本土公司几乎无法与其竞争;这是中共的“中国制造2025”计划的一部分,联邦政府应该更加快速有效地帮助中小型企业以反制中共的这一计划
#中共 #美国 #制造业 #中共威胁 #消灭中共

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