DEEP IMAGES #7: Park Chan-wook's OLDBOY - 20th Anniversary Panel

1 year ago

Welcome to episode # 7. Park Chan-wook's seminal film OLDBOY (2003) is enjoying a nationwide revival to celebrate its 20th year as a modern classic. The film has been remastered and re-released in the US, and I was fortunate enough to attend the premiere screening in Charlotte NC at the great Independent Picture House.

To further celebrate the occasion, I called on DEEP IMAGES cast and crew members who'd seen the film at least once over the years to share their lasting impressions of it.

The Deep Images cast this episode:

Henry Covert
Duane Cochran
Shelly Druckrey
Scott Andrew Hutchins
Bill Mulligan

COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER NOTICE: Our opening credits music is sampled from "Oscillations" by The Silver Apples. All rights belong to the composers and copyright holders. I do not claim or imply any rights whatsoever to this music, used under Fair Use statutes.

Our closing credits music is sampled from the track "The Ghost of Day" by Ghost of Day [the band], written by Abby Heller-Burnham. Abby owns all rights to this track.


Henry Covert, producer/ director/ co-host
Duane Cochran, executive producer/ technical director/ co-host
Tim Tolbert, executive producer

and panelists:
Shelly Druckrey
Scott Andrew Hutchins
Bill Mulligan

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Thank you all so much, and we'll back soon with some amazing new content.

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