League of Legends - Daily ARAM - Annie (2)

1 year ago

Morde, Annie, Shaco, Gnar, and Samira

Amumu, MF, TK, Diana, and Khazix

0:00 Start
6:38 First T1 Tower Destroyed - Blue
8:05 T2 Tower Destroyed - Blue
9:24 T1 Tower Destroyed - Red
10:13 Blue Inhib Destroyed
11:42 Nexus Towers Destroyed - Blue
15:35 T2 Tower and Inhib Destroyed - Red
19:23 Nexus Towers and Nexus Destroyed - Red

We were losing badly early game but slowly got back in late game.

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#leaugeoflegends #endlessgaming #lol #aram #fwotd #riot #annie

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