Believe In Iy! Whom Iys Thee AWED : And You shall Be Saved

1 year ago

Friends, don't you want to be saved from death and the grave? Don't you want to live forever. Well you can ! All you need to do is to believe in Iy! Whom Iys Thee Awed ! And also Thee Sovereign King of all Thee Heavens and Thee Earth.
Friends, today is your day. For Iys Salvation. So ask Iy, to save you. Because Iy'! has already made Iys atonement for all our sins. So ask Iy, to save you..All you have to do is believe. And then accept Iys invitation to Iys Salvation.. Thank you. So don't wait any longer. Put your trust in Iy today. HALLEL Iy'ELU'YAH. Praise Iy Thee Awed.

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