Burt Reynolds and Jan-Michael Vincent Break a World Record! It's "Hooper" on HiH

1 year ago


Wait…Keith David WASN’T in this movie? Damn it, Jason…

*Awkward Intermission*

Stunt men, drunk driving, and bar fights, OH MY!

Picture it: Sally Field stars in a movie where Burt Reynolds is the badass. No one saw that coming. But have you ever seen a horse drink beer?

No one could pull off sexy meta narcissism like ol’ Burt. Psh. Don’t judge. Like any of y’all have your own Hollywood stunt reel to show off to your friends…

When Mr. Brown’s away, Darth and Jason will design an incriminating photo opportunity. But that’s nothing compared to the death-defying stunts of Sonny Hooper, who, along with Hal Needham and ALL the Jan-Michael Vincents, will prove physics and mortality wrong…about everything.

Your favorite podcasters just wanted Sally Field to enjoy her steak supper in that classy-ass honky-tonk. Join Darth and Jason for Hooper!

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