Pastor Threatened With $5,000 Fines and 18 Months in Jail Over COVID Mandates - 12/2/21

1 year ago

Colorado pastor threatened with $5,000 fines and 18 months in jail over COVID Mandates.

(Dec 2, 2021) Pastor Jim Tarr attended an emergency meeting yesterday, held by his county in Colorado, that is threatening his Christian school with legal action over the School resisting tyrannical and unconstitutional COVID mandates. The once great state of Colorado has gone off the rails, but Pastor Jim Tarr is passionate that he is going to live his faith in God, not just talk about it, and fight on.

(Dec 2, 2021) Brannon Howse interview: (Nov 30, 2021)

Jim Tarr's Tuesday interview with Brannon Howse:

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