Extreme Readings

1 year ago

Outdoor Modem/Router Deployments

Location: Mount Pleasant, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

These modem/routers have been identified on various lamp posts in the Toronto area.

The embedded modem connects to mobile networks and get internet connection (primary through fiber optics), and the router converts the binary signal into a wireless signal, and dispersing it using a number of wideband LTE antennas and omnidirectional Wi-Fi antennas.

These deployments enhance the wireless strength and power output in the location they are deployed. They act as micro cellular towers.

Our meter measurements, non-direct line and close proximity detected extreme EMF radiation being emitted from the radio frequency devices: 6.0 V/m peak signal (meter maxed out), and over 15,000 uW/m2 power output.

The safe levels are below 0.50 V/m peak signal and 1000 uW/m2 power output (BioIniative and Building Biology).

What will happen when the 5G millimeter wave in the ranges of 24 GHz to 100 GHz are fed via fiber optics into these devices?


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