Opie and Anthony: "Very good segment!" Hottest pole-dancer? No Jim. 3/25/10

1 year ago

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"We got Ian Halperin."

Guest claims to know Pole Dancer.

Cut to the news. Opie wishes to speak to her first.

"Let's talk to the broad."

Tiger Woods predictions. Dirt on who and what.

UH OH! A STINKY! Was it Danny!?

Uh oh...stinky not going away!

Ian asks them to "keep it clean." Uh huh.

Bobo looks down on Halperin? Yikes.

Ian keeps blabbing until he finally gets the girl on the phone.

She is called Lana. Ant has questions.

More stupid questions. So much for "keeping it clean."

"If I throw a stick, will you chase it?" Ant ZINGS!

More dumb questions.


Ian is asked to sing for them. "It's too early in the morning."

He reads them a poem. Back to Lana.

"There's nothing better in life than being a dad."

Lana back on the phone. More sax.

"So bizarre."

They love the guy and don't know why.

"He writes books that do well..."

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