Derek Prince Book - Judging in the Bible and Church - When? Why? How?

1 year ago

Derek Prince wrote a book on Judging and Its called : Judging: When? Why? How? So many of you know i post a lot of clips of Derek Prince teachings on this channel. I find he is one of the most qualified bible teachers on the last 100 years. Derek Prince died over 20 years ago and his ministry is still growing every year. Why? Because people know when someone is a good bible teacher. And they live past when they die through their teachings

Like many topics in the bible

Their are scriptures to support Judging

and scriptures that condemn judging

Derek explains why this is

We all know the famous bible verse from the sermon on the mount

Matthew 7

Judging Others

7 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged.2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

This is a verse which is a teaching to individuals (Church members)

The church was in its infancy during Jesus ministry and hadn't been established yet

We look to the Epistles to tell us about church government

This verse is for individuals (church members)

When looking at biblical commentary on this passage it says:

This is a warning against self righteousness, not a command to be neutral toward moral issues".

So lets me state this clearly

I am not better then Doug or Joni

I have sin

I have issues

Like i said i wanted to get a discussion going on a culturally relevant subject

Not start a food fight in the lunch room

I did this video in light and awareness of my own brokenness and sinfulness

And tried to be a graceful as possible


Because i want God to be graceful to me

Marriage is a convent Not a contract

You can break a contract

you cannot break a covenant

The only way out is death

I will probably never serve as a pastor again

Because it seems scripture prohibits this

But i am a Chaplin

So Derek is showing their is individual judging from church members

And there is judgement that comes from church leadership

We are supposed to judge in the church

We are to judge leaders who don't live up to the standards set forth in scriptures.

This shows why their are verse against judging

And verse for judging

We must look at the context for these verse

Jesus says this

He is referring to the church leaders and church of his days which were the Jews

John 7:24

New International Version

24 Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly.”

So we are to Judge

But judge righteously

And fairly

To judge righteously is to judge with compassion

And to stick to the facts

We are not to judge peoples motives

Because we don't know that

Only God does

But we are to judge behaviors when they are out of line with scripture

But we do it as ones that are interested in the restoration of that person

In 1 Corthinas 5:1-5

Paul judges a man publicly

For sleeping with his fathers wife

He commands them to hand him over to Satan

For the destruction of his flesh

So Paul required the Corinthian Church to judge in this situation

And the judgement was severe

You also have the story of anninus and Sapphira

Who were judged for withholding money from the church

They both died because of this judgement that came from Peter

Paul makes a point we must all listen too hear in the passage:

1 Corinthians 5:9-12

9 I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people—10 not at all meaning the people of this world who are immoral, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters. In that case you would have to leave this world.11 But now I am writing to you that you must not associate with anyone who claims to be a brother or sister[a]but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or slanderer, a drunkard or swindler. Do not even eat with such people.

12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?

We are to judge those on the inside of the church

We are not to judge sinners

God will do that himself

So i hope we settled that we are to judge inside the church

If those people refuse to listen then we are treat them like an unbeliever

Who God will judge

This is a hard concept for most to accept in the seeker sensitive church movement

God is a judge

And we will judge all according to what they have done, said and the motives of their hearts

This is the final judgement which will be complete and comprehensive

Who is supposed to Judge

Those who are in leadership of the church

Not church members

I am a leader in the body of Christ

I have been a pastor, elder and deacon in churches

I have held several public offices

With 20 years of experience

My calling has been confirmed by God and man

If you haven't been given an office in the church

Then you do not have the authority to judge in the church

#derekprince #judgement #judging

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