E31 - Cecilie & Jesper Conrad | Artist Date - Family Travel and Unschooling

1 year ago

In the summer of 2021, we drove to Turkey to spend two weeks with Chris Attwood and his wonderful family. Before Chris and family arrived, we had time to roam the city - we met up with Raqauy Danziger, a famous Darbuka player you can meet in one of our bonus episodes. Raqauy introduced us to belly dancer Iana Komarnytska & photographer, and drummer Pedro Bonatto.

Pedro and Iana have a YouTube channel called Artist Date, where they talk about travel, creativity, inspiration, and how it is to live an artist’s life.

They interviewed us for their podcast, and they have kindly let us re-use the episode so you can hear it here. And we highly recommend that you check out the work of Pedro and Iana.

They have several podcasts and cool projects you can follow:

Artist Date on YouTube:
Artist Date on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/4r8hhG40ITKuVwphHOCjAT?si=b9b4f066185b4819

The Wanderings Podcast on YouTube:
Belly Dance Life Podcast: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Mhdz0WiiuBNGc9vzygDcr?si=3402861dc8f24d3f&nd=1
Pedros website: https://www.pedrobonatto.com/
Ianas website: https://www.ianadance.com/

You can also follow them on Facebook and Instagram

Episode Chapters
(0:00:00) - Artistic Family Travel and Unschooling
(0:07:54) - Full-Time Travel and Unschooling Transition
(0:19:54) - Deciding on a Full-Time Nomadic Lifestyle
(0:32:48) - Traveling, Homeschooling, and the Pandemic
(0:37:28) - Rethinking Education and Socialization
(0:47:19) - Unschooling and Social Life

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