Embedding YouTube Videos in Substack Posts | Indies Tech Tips #009

1 year ago

Hi this is Indie, thanks for checking out my channel

There are so many avenues today to get a message out, in a ton of different formats & using different media. You can write, create videos, livestream, podcast - and there are literally dozens, maybe even hundreds, of platforms to create & share your ideas with the world, spending little or no money to do it.

In this episode, I will show the ways to embed a YouTube video in a post and the ways it trips up some content creators.

I’m proud to be building & supporting a dedicated, engaged community that’s growing steadily each month across multiple channels.

I’ve found that I have a passion for ensuring that our creative work is never able to be fully erased (unless we want it to be).

The ONLY way to do that is to both backup everything but also to be platform diverse - spreading your content across multiple types of media, possibly in different formats.

Find all our links at our LinkTree, https://IndieLeft.media.

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