A Spectacle Takeover

1 year ago

This week Scott McKay and Melissa Mackenzie are separated from the Spectacle, which has been piratical overtaken by Luther Abel and Aubrey Gulick (check out their author pages below.)

The discussion this week focused on comments made by Pope Francis about the Catholic Church in the United States while the Roman pontiff was visiting Portugal. The interview, published by the journal La Civiltà Cattolica, has received plenty of criticism from U.S. Catholics who have decried the pope’s lack of clarity.

The conversation also reviewed with Luther’s recent piece for The American Spectator and his opinion on the recent GOP debate and upcoming Republican primary elections. (READ THE PIECE: Trump Is Political Fentanyl and Melissa’s Response: The Magical Thinking of Never Trump https://spectator.org/trump-is-political-fentanyl/)

Read Aubrey Gulick’s writing: https://spectator.org/author/aubreygulick/.

Read Luther Abel’s writing: https://spectator.org/author/luther-ray-abel/.


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