Wake and Bake

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The more social media and the mainstream media continuously trying to push a culture down our throats while at the same time throwing our previous cultures out to pasture.

-Hi-Rez - What's The Truth? (Official Music Video)
-Iowa Sex Offender Faces Trial for 10-Year-Old Girl’s Kidnapping and Murder
-‘D**k in His Hand’: Florida Man Arrested for Allegedly Exposing Himself at Park Full of Kids
-Woman Arrested for Allegedly Filming Herself Sexually Abusing Boyfriend’s 3-Year-Old Daughter
-Police Surprise Child Predator Trying to Meet with Minor
-DOJ tells Jim Jordan that FBI agent subpoenas 'cannot be enforced'
-SHOCKING Body Cam Footage: School Board Calls Police on 'Unrecognized' & 'Trumpish' Citizens!

#usarmyveteran #thefinders #retired #freethinker #georgeorwell #2plus2equals5 #1984 #distopia #bigbrotherisalwayswatching #lies #iowa #hirez #sexoffender #kidnapping #murder #florida #portorangepd #oklahoma #minor #coldbluecam #foxbusiness #jimjordan #doj #omg #livingstonschoolboard #livingstonnj #newjersey #livingstonpd

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