My commitment to create video content, and learn along the way (#1)

1 year ago

In this video I outline the commitment that I'm making to create video and learn in the process.

As someone who is both shy, and a perfectionist, it's far too easy for me to procrastinate and delay the creation of content.

Unfortunately this has led me to freeze up and instead not create anything.

Therefore I'd rather create some content than none at all, even if it's not yet up to the standard that I'd like (and YouTube has come to expect).

The intention is that this is the first step along the way.

Interestingly, if you do the maths on creating 1 piece of content every 2 days, you end up with around 180 new pieces of content in 1 year.

That's 180 practice attempts, 180 chances to learn from mistakes, and 180 more pieces of content than would otherwise be created.

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