Elite Dangerous | Module Review | Cytoscrambler Burst Laser

1 year ago

Designed by the pirate king Delane to enable less lethal acts of piracy, the Cytoscrambler deals tremendous damage to shield systems, with the stock variant dealing about 330% more damage than a standard size one burst laser system. This comes at the cost of being totally useless against the hull of target ships. The end result is a weapon that can outperform huge hardpoints when targeting shields.

With niche applications, and severe hardpoint limitations, the Cytoscrambler is an interesting and powerful, but nuanced weapon best applied in PvE situations on close combat focused builds. It's an interesting mark to chase, but not an essential powerplay weapon to pursue if you’re just getting started.

0:00 Intro
0:22 Overview
1:15 Downside 1
1:40 Downside 2
2:10 PVP
2:38 PVE
3:05 Synergy
4:22 Engineering
5:02 Experimental
6:18 Conclusion
6:45 Closing

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