Interrogation of Crew of U-570 - October, 1941

1 year ago

C.B. 4051 (31)
"U 570"
Interrogation of Crew
October, 1941



00:02:12 I. Introductory Remarks

00:02:54 II. Remarks on Crew of "U 570"

00:10:54 III. Early History of "U 570"

00:27:27 IV. First and Last Cruise of "U 570"

00:31:31 V. Capture of "U 570"

00:42:07 VI. Details of "U 570"
(i) General Remarks
(ii) General Construction of the Boat
(iii) Construction of the Pressure Hull
(iv) Construction of the Conning Tower
(v) Telegraph Orders, Powers and Speeds
(vi) Underwater Sound Apparatus
(vii) Detector or S-Gear

00:52:29 VII. Diesel-Electric Propulsion

00:54:34 VIII. Degaussing

00:54:46 IX. Other U-Boats
(i) "U 15"
(ii) "U 17"
(iii) "U 19"
(iv) "U 37"
(v) "U 48"
(vi) "U 59"
(vii) "U 69"
(viii) "U 79"
(ix) "U 82"
(x) "U 84" and "U 87"
(xi) "U 85"
(xii) "U 101"
(xiii) "U 123"
(xiv) "U 124"
(xv) "U 126"
(xvi) "U 132"
(xvii) "U 141"
(xviii) "U 143"
(xix) "U 147"
(xx) "U 201"
(xxi) "U 203"
(xxii) "U 204"
(xxiii) "U 205"
(xxiv) "U 206"
(xxv) "U 332"
(xxvi) "U 373"
(xxvii) "U 402"
(xxviii) "U 431"
(xxix) "U 432"
(xxx) "U 433"
(xxxi) "U 451"
(xxxii) "U 452"
(xxxiii) "U 502"
(xxxiv) "U 503"
(xxxv) "U 504" and "U 505"
(xxxvi) "U 552"
(xxxvii) "U 567"
(xxxviii) "U 568"
(xxxix) "U 569"
(xl) "U 571"
(xli) "U 572"
(xlii) "U 573"
(xliii) "U 652"
(xliv) "U 701"
(xlv) "U 752"
(xlvi) "U 753"
(xlvii) "U.A."
(xlviii) "U.B."
(xlix) "U.D.1"
(l) "U.D.3"
(li) "U.D.4" and "U.D.5"
(lii) Unidentified U-Boats

01:38:38 X. U-Boat Construction
(i) Blohm & Voss, Hamburg
(ii) Howaldt Yard, Hamburg
(iii) Vulkan Yard, Vegesack, Bremen
(iv) Wilhelmshaven Yard
(v) Germania Yard, Kiel
(vi) Deutsche Werke, Kiel
(vii) Schichauwerft, Danzig
(viii) U-Boat Series in C.B. 4051 (29), Section VIII (viii)

01:46:06 XI. Third U-Boat Flotilla

01:47:30 XII. U-Boat Executive Officers

01:49:29 XIII. U-Boat Bases and Depôt Ships
(i) Gotenhafen
(ii) Trondheim
(iii) Lo Fjord
(iv) Naval Convalescent Homes
(v) La Pallice

01:55:20 XIV. Co-operation between U-Boats and Focke-Wulf Kondor Aircraft

01:58:28 XV. U-Boat Secret Orders

02:12:44 XVI. General Remarks regarding U-Boats
(i) Allocation of Operation Areas
(ii) Increased Difficulties of Attack
(iii) Avoiding of Aircraft by U-Boats
(iv) Diving Angle of U-Boats
(v) German Depth Charges
(vi) Conditions of Service in U-Boats
(vii) Awards to U-Boat Crews

02:16:16 XVII. Other Ships
(i) Torpedo Boat "Luchs"
(ii) Submarine Chaser Flotilla
(iii) "Schwan"
(iv) German Hospital Ship
(v) "Blücher"

02:22:09 XVIII. Miscellaneous
(i) Conditions of Service in the German Navy
(ii) Manning Divisions
(iii) Naval Barracks at Bustchude
(iv) Training of Naval Telegraphists
(v) Obscenity
(vi) A.A. Guns on Norwegian Coast
(vii) Norwegian and Dutch Workman
(viii) Interference in Industry by Party Officials
(ix) Air Raid Damage in German Ports
(x) Electrification of Berlin-Hamburg Railway
(xi) Services Information Bureau in Rome

02:32:11 APPENDIX
List of Crew of "U 570"

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