Holistic Hypothyroidism

1 year ago

Mayim Vega is a Naturopathic Herbalist and founder of Arukah.com, The Holistic Life Academy. Due to the extreme demands of being a 45-year old, homeschool mom of 9 children as well as running her online school, she started suffering from severe hypothyroidism. Her symptoms were so sever that she thought she was in shock and could be on her death bed. Being a holistic healer, and having stayed away from conventional medicine and medical doctors for nearly 20 year, she was determind to heal herself using her knowledge in nutrition, herbalism, and holistic health. She is happy to report that she did indeed master her hypothryoidism, and manages it using safe, natural, methods, and has never had to visit the doctor or take any type of hormones or pharmaceutical drugs for it. She is writing a book on her experience, and is releasing it chapter by chapter for free before it is published. If you would like to read her book for free, request a copy at https://www.arukah.com/hypothyroid

Connect with Mayim:


https://www.facebook.com/mayim.arukah / arukah


Living with chronic medical conditions – especially when they’re invisible to most people – can be tough. Have you ever had the feeling that someone is looking at you thinking, “You look fine. It’s all in your head.” when you’re actually in pain every day? We get it! We understand that for people who live with an invisible condition, it’s definitely NOT all in your head. We know the pain and struggle that people with invisible conditions deal with every day are far too real. We also know that those same people can feel alone in the fight. We’re here to help people with invisible conditions find hope and encouragement amidst the mental, emotional, and physical struggles that these warriors experience on a daily basis. We are here to affirm you, share resources that are available, and ensure you know that you are not alone. Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be amazing. There is always HOPE.

Connect with the host: www.hydrowithhope.com

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