Western Civilisation is a Failure - It is Corrupt, Immoral and Psychopathic

1 year ago

"Western elite and their lying media need honesty: stop smearing Muslims and Islam, while they and their war machine are the ones doing the illegal invading, the terrorizing, the torturing, the maiming, the murdering, economically destroying, destabilizing the Muslim, Arab majority nations — Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Sudan, Somalia, Iran tba, stealing wealth, gold, oil, resources, land, lives and futures. Even the ISIS, Boka Haram, Al Qaeda, MKK, PKK, Nusra Front, Free Syrian Army, White Helmets, Ukrainian Neo-Nazi terrorists are mercenaries of US/Israel, Britain, France, Canada…

It’s not only these nations, there were deliberate measures to economically impoverish Pakistan, Iran, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt; illegal bombs even recently are being dropped in civilian areas in Syria by Israel. The US is illegally occupying 1/3 of Syria and stealing its oil and wheat and they and their partners are planning to build a pipeline stealing oil belonging to nearby oil rich nations, from Nigeria through Syria, which is why U.S. refuses to leave. The US is still occupying and stealing oil from Iraq.

The U.S. also interferes in elections via coups and colour revolutions all over the world. Sanctions have done so much murder and damage to people of Cuba, Haiti, Venezuela. The world humanitarian and refugee crisis is directly because of U.S./NATO foreign policy. The deep state governments are out of control, doing evil and operating with impunity.

Mainstream media has lied to the world about who Muslims are, our beliefs, what our religion say in order to do their crimes. 21+ years since 9-11, more than 30 years since the sanctions on Iraq, the lies are unravelling, people see the Wizards of Oz behind the curtain: covert/overt governments, shill politicians in all political parties, mass media, MIC, corporate & financial elite. They don’t care about citizens of their own countries. All the money in Western treasuries are not expended for their people but to fight a losing war using Ukraine as a proxy against Russia which was planned since before 2014. It wasn’t Muslims who did 9-11. It was the Mossad, CIA and other deep state actors to justify the wars in the Middle East that followed.

The US/NATO and their war machine have mass murdered 8 million+ people in the Muslim world alone since 1990 for global hegemony. The new world order, enacted via a “rules-based order”, is a global apartheid system with one group of privileged people of European roots will have all the power, who own all the world resources."

[Ayesha Alii]

#europe #european #fbreels #fbreelsvideo #Corruption #immoral #psychopathic #civilization #usa #NATO

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