Tucker Carlson: Start with the knowledge that you’re being told the opposite of the truth

1 year ago


Start with the knowledge that you’re being lied to at scale. Not just one person, but a collection of people, a network of people, acting in concert, knowingly or not with one another in order to tell you things that are not true. And not just not true; the opposite of the truth. And that there are reasons that it’s happening, but it is happening. That's the thing to know.

I personally, I hate to say this because it’s very dark and cynical, but it’s also true. I assess people's honesty by how the so-called mainstream, which is not mainstream in any sense, but the predominant voices regard them. So if somebody in power says, Well you're not allowed to think that, my first question is, Well why? Probably because it's true, actually. Probably because it's true.

Very few people are punished for lying. I can’t remember the last time I saw a public figure in the United States punished for lying. They’re caught all the time. No one is ever punished. Instead people are punished for telling the truth. Maybe not the whole truth, maybe a variation of the truth, maybe just something that points toward the truth. But it's the truth that is illegal.

So I assess it in reverse. If the Atlantic magazine is screaming that you must go to jail or be silenced, I wanna know what you’re saying, because I bet it’s a little closer to the truth than what the Atlantic magazine is telling me. In fact, I'd bet my house on it.

SOURCE: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1696273953898315849

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