Castles block earth magnetic fields ---------- geopathic stress lines

1 year ago

It is interesting that cows sense and avoid stress lines,
whilst sensitive people are labelled crazy for sensing and avoiding similar energy.
If earth stress lines are real, which it very well could be,
since something is apparently measurable with scientific equipment,
this should be commonly tested and addressed to improve peoples health
and to avoid structural damage to buildings over time.
I think we could develop better scientific equipment than seen in this video,
(but this may exist already, I haven't research that yet).
If you know me, I would of course like to have one with audio,
if that would be technically possible and useful,
since that usually impresses people more.

It's good to remain critical, because what people think or interpret
sometimes turns out to be slightly different when we learn more or
re-discover what was lost, chunks or details in that documentary
may have to be corrected or nuanced, just don't throw out the baby
with the bathwater, as the saying goes, when you watch the
complete documentary linked to below.

I would be careful with dowsers, I'm sure there can be crazies
and scammers among those that will try to get your money. Also,
some people are probably a lot better at this job than others.
I personally would only rely on people that can measure
earth disturbances with modern technology, a scientific approach,
even though some people might be able to do it cheap and reliably
with dowsing rods. There may remain a chance that
their method is flawed somehow though.
I'm not very familiar with earth disturbances myself,
I don't have the equipment to measure that,
but I find it a very interesting subject to look into.

The source of this video are cuts from a 1 hour long documentary:
"Sleeping with the Enemy" by James Richings, David Reed, etc
of U.K. Film company Machten. 2003 or 2001 ?


Geopathic stress lines
Biologist Roger Coghill
Dowser Brendan Murphy
Dowsing rods
Architect Daniel Robinson
Johnstown Castle
Monart house

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