Daily Chess play - 1324 - Good wins for me today

1 year ago

0:00 Game 1:
Move 15, Opponent trades Bishop for pawn on h7. I kept trading 1 for 1 with a +2 pawn advantage. He then timed out.

18:22 Game 2:
Move 8, Opponent blunders Bishop on e3. Later in the game I would take all his pawns and he resigned.

28:41 Game 3:
Move 11, Opponent traps his Queen on c3; I start blocking him in. Move 16, Opponent trades Queen for Rook on a1 and Bishop on b3. Move 30, I get my Queen on d7 threatening to break the King's defense. Move 30, Opponent blunders Rook on f8 which he took back but gives me checkmate with Queen on f7.

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