1st PRS Match Ammo Test

1 year ago

In this video I bring you along as I test out the 2 loadings I have of factory ammo to see which is performing best in my rifle right now. Since it's going to be my first PRS match, I don't trust myself to work up a load just yet. I'll be getting into the reloading part of this 6 Creedmoor in the next weeks after I get through this match.
As you can see, one of them is for sure grouping tighter than the other!! I will be running the Hornady 108s for the match. I could get the Berger 105s to tighten up with some testing on the Cortina Precision tuner brake, but I'd use up most of what I have on hand and not have enough left for the match. I'll have enough to worry about for this first PRS match, don't want to stress my ammo loading skills, lol.
I think with this 100 yard group from the Hornady, I will do just fine with the tuner set where it is now. I just need to get some practice in changing positions and working the scope turrets faster. I think that is the part that will get me. Moving position and adjusting the scope, while on the clock! My goal is to get half the available targets for the match. It will take some work and luck, but I hope to get it done!! If nothing else, I will be learning a lot and know what I need to work on in the future!!

I appreciate you watching. If you want to follow along with me as I learn the PRS game and do some more matches, please subscribe and I look forward to hearing from you in the comments!!

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