'Kanye West - Everybody in Hollywood works for Satan' - 2010

1 year ago

Uploaded on Dec 10, 2010

"... Humans are Cosmically Connected To Earth & Everything by Natural Sun Nano Electricity
= AC DC Wires are Devils Veins Tesla Free Wireless Electricity Before Niagara Falls
.. everything is wireless, always was... wires are to changethe natural magnetic grid of Earth and humans.
= 1901 Hydro Water Devils Veins Reroute Rivers Kings Walkway El Camino del Rey = Lake Erie has changed since 1600 the Rise in Erie Hw Longfellow Brebeuf Cat People
Subterranean River To Lake Erie New York Times 1891
Imagine a tunnel more than ten storeys underground, a hundred years old, bricklined, wet, and completely inaccessible save by descending through a narrow slit in its ceiling thirty feet above the floor, and then returning up the same rope you came down.
El Caminito del Rey (English: The King's little pathway) is a walkway or via ferrata, now fallen into disrepair, pinned along the steep walls of a narrow gorge in El Chorro, near Álora in the district of Málaga, Spain. The name is often shortened to Camino del Rey.
In 1901 it became obvious that workers at the hydroelectric power plants at Chorro Falls and Gaitanejo Falls needed a walkway to cross between the falls, to provide for transport of materials, and for the inspection and maintenance of the channel. Construction of the walkway took four years and it was finished in 1905.
December 26, 1900
A strange disappearance supply ship Hesperus The mystery was later the subject of a 1980 chamber opera by Peter Maxwell Davies, The Lighthouse.
2.The Dawn of the Century - The Twentieth Century was scheduled to begin on January 1st, 1901. However, due to poor planning and budgetary constraints the century did not begin until October 9th, 1902.
Gordon Downie (born February 6, 1964) is a Canadian rock musician, writer and occasional actor. He is the lead singer and lyricist for the Canadian rock band The Tragically Hip. He says,.. You are ahead by a century. The official video for the Tragically Hips Hundreth Meridian, shows a clear picture of what happened in North America. The video of Tom Petty , Running down a dream, shows the same story.
... DIATOMS .... Earth's Eternal Billions of years old Cycle , UV Sunlight on the Oceans,.eats c02, produces oxygen, and produces Diatoms,THE DEEPEST SUBJECT by far,the deepest subject,on the planet.Diatoms are algae,then end up as LIMESTONE,the Earths crust is diatoms,miles thick..
Diatoms are superconductors for the brain,the element in pure earth water h2o2.the green rivers they sing about.underground rivers running through limestone and sulphur....produce h2o2 eternal fountain of youth water,, the Welland Canal is actually the,H2O2 fountain of youth Hiway of Holy Water.it surfaces at the entrance to the weir,behind hebert motors,from subterranean rivers,DIATOMS, HOLD THE MEMORY FROM EVERYTHING FROM THE BEGINNING,, WHICH WILL RESTORE YOUR MEMORY .
Diatoms increase the electrical activity in your body.Mitochondria,as it is,need to change food into electricity to run your body.this is changing,sun is electricty as you know it,you live on electricity
People are electric, food is converted to electricity by mitochondria. Sunlight is electricity.people live on electricity."

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