Does The SEC Have a Case? The Hard Facts Behind The iX Global & DEBT Box Fraud & Securities Case.

1 year ago

On July 26, 2023, the Securities & Exchange Commission filed a complaint against Digital Licensing Inc aka DEBT Box, iX Global, Jason R Anderson, Jacob S Anderson, Schad E Brannon, Roydon B Nelson, Western Oil Exporation Company Inc, Ryan Bowen, Joseph A Martinez, Mark W Schuler, B & B Investment Group LLC aka CORE 1 CRYPTO, Travis Flaherty, ALton O Parker, BQ Holdings LLC dba FAIR PROJECT, Brendan J Stngis, Matthew D Fritzche as defendants. The SEC also listed Archer Drilling LLC, Business Funding Solutions, LLC, BLOX Lending, Calmfritz Holdings LLC, Calmes & Co Inc, Flaherty Enterprises LLC, IX Ventures FZCO, PURDY OIL LLC, The Gold Collective LLC, and UIU Holdings as relief defendants.

The SEC that Digital Licensing Inc, aka DEBT Box via iX Global's marketing arm, engaged in fraud and violated the Securities & Exchange Act by selling unregistered securities and operating both Ponzi & pyramid schemes.
Troy Dooly is an inspirational visionary! He is an Ambassador of Wisdom Journalism.

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Dooly understands we live in a PTE (Post-Trust Era), and consumers don't want SPIN from the individuals and organizations they do business with; they want the cold hard facts.

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