The Ultimate Guide to Meaningful Connections: Christians Interacting | Romans 12

1 year ago

What is your vision of the Church? How do you think we should act toward one another? Romans 12:1-2 challenges us to not live as the world but to let God transform us!

How is a renewed and transformed Christian to be? Romans 12:3-8 shows us how we can relate in a church: First we need to be humble. Even though we have an individual responsibility to God and He uses us as individuals, we only have a part to play in all that God desires.

Don’t get proud. Measure against God: Remember that our thoughts aren’t God’s and our ways aren’t His. We need to be humble and follow Him.

Sobriety - it is all of God and not us 1 Corinthians 4:7 For who maketh thee to differ from another? and what hast thou that thou didst not receive? now if thou didst receive it, why dost thou glory, as if thou hadst not received it?

Second, we need to work together. Romans 12:4-5. We don’t have all the same gifts or abilities, but we all have a role to play. We should work with one another. Unity.

Third, we need to find out how to serve. Romans 12:6-8; some of the roles. These roles are done from a spirit filled motivation and not duty. Prophecy: preaching. ‘proportion of faith’ - from the heart; what God has worked in your own heart. Teaching: explaining the scriptures and diligently doing it - consistency in life. Exhorting: encouraging others to continue in the ways of God. Ministry: practical service to others in the Church - to wait is to give yourself to it. Giving with sincerity. Rulers: overseers of the practical business in the church. Show mercy: care for those in need from a joy that comes from God.

What is your role in the church? What would God have you to do? Romans 12:1 present yourself to God.

What are the marks of a transformed Christian? Romans 12:9-21 - practical Christian living.
Romans 12:9-10. Love: this is the central teaching of Christianity. All that we do and are is bound and motivated by Love. Sincere love: not just saying the right words. Not just an act or going through the motions. Affectionate love: a deep unforced kindness. Respectful love: preferring is to see the others good- Php 2:3, Let each esteem other better than themselves Love is followed by action.

Romans 12:11,13. Service Luke 2:49 I must be about my Father’s business. Not slothful: we should be actively pursuing how we can serve. Selfless fervency. Do it as unto the Lord. Helping in physical ways; 1 John 3:17 But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? Given to hospitality - ready and looking for ways to help out others. To help each other best we need to pay attention.

Romans 12:12,15-16. Empathy. Being there with each other in their journey. Rejoice in their hopes and in their joy. Patient and sympathetic while they battle tribulations and testings. Weep with them in sorrow;1 Corinthians 12:26, And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it. One mind is to be unified with them. Keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

There is a humility in our love to each other. Sometimes there is someone hard to love, someone that we think is beneath us, but God calls us to something better - humility and love expressed.

In all of this we are to pray; as we walk with others we should pray often: on behalf of them, in thanks to God, and for ourselves to walk worthy. Romans 1:9 For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that without ceasing I make mention of you always in my prayers; 12:14,17-20. Bless them and curse not.

God calls us to life of Peace - Not to give in to our wrath, Not to seek their hurt. If we do this we can not preach the love of Christ and stand before men.

Don’t seek vengeance: we often want justice to be served. Rather, make way for God’s wrath. When we give up our wrath toward others we will have peace and not grow bitter. We can also be assured that God will deal with them. Not out of spite or glorying in their suffering, but in the certain knowledge that God is good. Our actions then should be to extend love to them. To speak well to them and wish them well vs 14.

12:21 - The Ultimate outcome: overcome evil. Abhor that which is evil and cleave to that which is good. There is an implication that when we follow Christ we are opposed to the natural sinful ways of the World around us. We overcome by doing things God's way. When you love, serve, care, and bless others you are fighting against evil.

We see the beauty of what God would have us to be!

How has God challenged you today? Maybe you need to go back to the first 2 verses and dedicate your life and mind to Him? Maybe you need to evaluate what your role is in this church? Maybe there is some aspect of the Christ filled life that you need to work on?

I encourage you prove what is the good and perfect will of God in your life today.

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