Lahaina: the first US Fifteen Minute Smart City?

1 year ago

Lahaina: the first US Fifteen Minute Smart City?

Hello. Betty Krawczyk here. Why do I think that Lahaina, Maui is now, after the monstrous fires that have wiped out most of the city and so many of it’s people, that there is really no other, at least in my mind, of any possible explanation, other that a governmental seizure of the indigenous lands of the city.

On August 8 no sirens or alarms of any kind were sounded in Lahaina to warn the people that an unheard of kind of hellish fire storm was quickly convulsing the city with vicious weird flames that melted the metals of houses, cars, commercial buildings, and the flesh of human beings. Have you heard the cries of the indigenous people and others sounding around the world thorough the internet of “Where are the missing children?”

Some on the islanders say that over two thousand of missing children have not enrolled or re-enrolled for school. But if the children can’t be accounted for then what has happened to them? Were thy incinerated along with their parents when the police stopped families from driving to the main roads that would lead out of the town to safety? The police chief who has since resigned ( John Pelletie) said that he ordered his men to block the roads leading away from the fire because he was afraid that if the drivers ran over a downed power line it might cause deaths. His reasoning had to be one of...better to let them all burn to cinders at once. And they did. The fires were so hot there wasn’t any skeletons left in or lying about the cars and trucks. But why? The police chief coudn’t have been so dim witted to have believed this stupid, lying treacherous story. And the water story doesn’t add up either.

When many of the people tried at first to fight the fire with their water hoses they found there was no water. The water had been turned off. Why? The person in charge of the water gave another damnable excuse...the water was too sacred to be used in such an inequitable way without many permissions. If none of these facts being flashed around the world moves you to believe that Lahaina, Maui was deliberately destroyed and it’s survivors largely lost in grief and uncertainty, that all this destruction and loss of life in order to build the first US fifteen minute city, then I will provide more next time. Soon. August 29, 2023

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