Episode 27 - Unmasking Burnout: A Candid Conversation with Pete Solway

1 year ago

Have you ever experienced burn-out from the never-ending hustle and bustle work and life? You're not alone. Today's guest, Pete Solway, courageously opens up about his personal experience of burnout, not once, but twice! We discuss the emotional toll it took, and his journey to recovery. Highlighting the challenges of balancing career and health that’s often brushed under the carpet, this episode is an earnest exploration of emotional well-being amidst the high-pressure world of business.

As we navigate through Pete's story, we uncover the profound impact of burnout on business performance, particularly during the pandemic. Pete’s candid sharing about how he managed to re calibrate his work-life balance offers invaluable insights for anyone teetering on the edge of burnout. You're going to learn how to spot the signs, why it’s crucial to stop comparing your journey to others, and how to prioritise your well-being without feeling guilty.

In the final leg of our conversation, Pete takes us through his exploration of different wellness practices and routines that helped him recover from burnout. From his initial foray into a health retreat to stumbling upon Ayurveda, a sister science of Yoga, Pete’s experiences are a testament that wellness isn’t about extravagant retreats or dramatic lifestyle changes.

Instead, he advocates for sustainable, small steps that can make a significant impact. Join us, and take away actionable advice on how to prevent and recover from burnout from someone who's been there and emerged stronger.

Contacts for Pete Solway:

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/petersolway/

Website: https://foundersalessolution.com/

Learn more about Fiona's speaking, radio and consultation services at Informed Health: https://informedhealth.com.au/

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