The End of All Things is at Hand - Session 4

1 year ago

This is the fourth of four messages Pastor Doug Riggs gave in his interviews with GeorgeAnn Hughes in her podcast, The ByteShow, in January 2011.
Here are my notes:
o Doug warns us over 12 ½ years ago that, “For the first time in human history, mankind is now in possession of the technologies, and the convergence of many disciplines and technologies that can produce the ‘image of the beast’. We should be very alert to the fact that we are in a very unique place in human history that we’ve never been here before.”
o “How does mankind attain the level of technology that enables him (Antichrist) to make or create an image to the beast?” This session delves into that which will occur after the church has been removed (raptured) and the day of the Lord (7-year tribulation / Daniel’s 70th week) begins.
o Doug mentions, “This whole alien deception is coming – this ‘Disclosure’ event, those that are flying real craft (UFO’s / UAP’s). I clearly believe these are hybrids (i.e.: Nephilim) that are in existence today; they’re going to come declaring that they are the council of the Elohim – that they are our creators, and they have come to direct and show mankind how to become who they are as members of the class of Elohim.”
o “You can create nanobots that can change molecular structures, atomic structures; you can program nanobots to actually restructure our DNA. This is incredible! Nanotechnology now in the hand of man, and under the influence of Satan, combined with synthetic biology, artificial intelligence is incredible, in and of itself. The confluence and the convergence of these technologies is what I see is the background of that which makes it possible for mankind to actually create an image of the beast.”
o In this session, Doug reads extensively from the transhumanists agenda that demonstrates the technological advances in genetic engineering and its expected result of the ultimate evolution of man to reach god-like status, the promise the serpent gave Eve in the garden at the beginning of the existence of the human species, “the human advancement revolution”.
o Doug (prophetically?) says: “Something’s going to have to occur to alter his DNA. So why not just insert into his body some injection that would involve the technology that created the image of the beast so that man can now make his final evolutionary step into becoming like a god-man.” Remember folks, this is 2011!! “They will flock to receive this particular mark, that is most likely an injection…” Doug clearly taught us over the years that we (Christians) won’t be here when the ‘mark of the beast’ is instituted – but the precursor to the mark can be here prior to the rapture – and that mark could clearly be an injection of that which alters one’s DNA and once made effective, will so alter man’s genetic code to make him something other than humanity as God created us originally, thus rendering him unredeemable.
o “Mankind in this generation already has the biotechnology, the artificial technology, the G.R.I.N. technology (genetics, robotics, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology), to create an image of the Antichrist who will display himself as God.”
Resources mentioned and/or recommended:
Tom Horn: An Open Letter to Christian Leaders on Biotechnology and the Future of Man - Christian Newswire,of%20the%20Raiders%20New%20Network%3A%20Dear%20Christian%20Leader%2C

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