Book Review: Prey: Immigration, Islam, and the Erosion of the Rights of Women

1 year ago

This weeks #bookoftheweek is Ayaan Hirsi Ali's latest book, Prey: Immigration, Islam, and the Erosion of the Rights of Women. This book was triggering. Good. You SHOULD be triggered to know what's going on in Europe. Because God knows the media isn't doing it's job.

The accompanying cocktail is The Prophet :) Because the irony appeals to me.

1.5 ozs Gin
3 ozs Tart Cherry Juice
.5 ozs Vanilla Syrup
3 dashes Chocolate Bitters

Put all in a shaker with ice and shake, Pour into cocktail glass and garnish with cinnamon.

#booktube #bookreview #cocktail #booze #ayaanhirsiali #islam #womensrights #feminism

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