Vivek Ramaswamy Flip-Flops on One Issue After Another

1 year ago

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has taken heat for his shifting position on aid to Israel. In a matter of weeks, the 38-year-old entrepreneur has advocated three distinct policies toward the Jewish state: cutting off aid to Israel and the entire Middle East, weaning Israel off of U.S. aid by 2028, and weaning Israel off of aid only as long as it says it doesn't need the help.

But Ramaswamy’s flakiness is not limited to aid to Israel. Throughout the campaign, he has flip-flopped on at least four other issues.

On June 19, Ramaswamy cut a video wishing viewers a "happy Juneteenth." Earlier this month, he called Juneteenth a "useless" holiday that should be canceled.

In a March interview on CBS News, the candidate said that "climate change is ... real." At the Republican primary debate last week, however, Ramaswamy said "the climate change agenda is a hoax."

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