IMAGINATION The Key to Taking Back Human Power

1 year ago

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Human kindness was used against us for centuries. Do you know what else was ?
-Our imagination.
Both of these were given to us to use in this world, to make it good and happy and joyful and beautiful. The things we are born with, that we don’t have to pay money for, that we can however, improve, cultivate and expand, are loving compassion, and creative IMAGINATION. We got punished at school for sitting and gazing out of the window, using our God-given tools. The system ‘punishes’ us for being kind…
Imagination is ineffable power.
It is the power to create in the etheric realm, and eventually into the material realm.
Imagination is what creates our lives.
Media-led group-think, and mass cultivation via specifically seeded ideas, conditions our collective consciousness into certain forms.
By the time certain ideas have manifested in broad daylight, no-one has realised they have created their own prisons.
Every single movie has been created as predictive programming
Every piece of media had to be censored-controlled
Every piece of mainstream music has been frequency-altered
We have been told we ‘should get’ a good education, -for decades, for centuries.
A good education, as we now understand is, a normalisation process, enabling us to think with a herd-mentality, to fit-in, to blend, to accept, to be controllable, to be controlled….
Media consumption and education have been the tools to control us all along:
We are beginning to grasp the extent of the MK Ultra mind-conditioning programs and all the other Nazi-affiliates, which invaded and managed our media, as the easiest way to condition us. Based upon their researched knowledge into the power of our imagination, they chose to utilise it as their primary tool of control.
They made glamorous media, for our consumption, to get US to create THEIR choice of reality. They utilised the kind of exponential math where, “one plus one, equals three”, and it is what they used to govern us, through our own power .

Why can you trace the ownership of the mainstream media companies back to six corporations and eventually back to Blackrock and Vanguard ?
Why is censorship now deemed so essential ?
Focused, imagination means you can bring something that wasn’t, into being.
Imagination is what the body does when it’s creating a baby: you may say that’s not imagination, however there is a genetic template, an energetic field, to which all else accrued.
There is nothing other than that happening when we have a thought, an original idea, and we begin to add to it.
I am here, a specialist in exploring the depth and breadth of the IMAGINATION, to do that with you.
To enable you and your children to know HOW to use and master their imaginations.
This is no longer to be denigrated to the bottom of the list.
It should be high-flying, right up at the top -and you with it.
We need to take back our world.
We need to create a new and better one and
And how else are we to get it done without our God-given, essential soul-communication rights of the imagination?
When we are told, “no you can’t! You can’t do this!”, do we sit back on meek little heels and do nothing, twiddling our thumbs ?
No! If you have anything about you, which is still strength and human courage, we get back in there, we get quiet we get imagining and yeah -we get answers!
I’m here to help you: to coach you, to encourage you, to help you grow your full spectrum of Source-energy access and to get your practice focused.
As long as you listen to the music, watch the movies, buy their toxic food, their so-called ‘medicines’, use their banks, ‘obey’ acts which are sold as laws, you doing everything for them and nothing for you.
Is that how you really want to live ?
You can make your own music, or support those who are not in the system of the ‘black-eyes’.
You can make your own plays, even your own movies and films.
Like the movie, “The Sound of Freedom”, you can support the small people who haven’t been bought by those dark ones.
You can grow your own food
You can buy local, from organic producers.
You can avoid the supermarkets the automatic checkouts and go to the real people.
You can take your money out of the bank as soon as it gets in there and use it as cash
And you can change it into gold and silver..
If we take the lazy established route, and give in, they win, and so easily.
The point is, when this is over:
no one is going to want to stomach using any of the movies, plays, books, records, music, clothing, games-companies, underwear-companies, house and homeware furniture companies etc ad infinitum, because they’re all going to realise who owns them, and they are going to be disgusted.
We have to start now -building anew.
Beautiful Earth-conscious, human-conscious, animal-conscious products and industries. We have to start now, and for that, we NEED imagination.
Waking up to the power of your imagination

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37365 is the destination tag

“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”

You can message me on this page using the email box if you would like to engage in one of these sessions yourself- to expand your tools, your awareness or to re-activate something specific. I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £30 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.

I am here to inspire you to listen to your soul. It’s called inspiriting inspirition. We need the full human potential to build our new Earth and you have it- a little locked within perhaps, but you have it and I will be sharing as many keys as I can possibly find and I assure you, I love to be creative each day, we will come up with a new key, a new piece of the puzzle of who you can be as a human being the skills you will have as a human being the voices you have heard from yourself which you can now start to fully honour open and fulfil welcome to project new earth activating human potential
I am Dr Isabel, Aimee and I will be your guide on this adventure

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