A falling western society (Denmark)

1 year ago

FYI: the censorship and view counter suppression is of the charts especially on Youtube and Facebook and rumble, just look in comparison my https://www.bitchute.com/channel/MRm7Fgs0y5md/ where I only have 34 followers in contrast to over 900 and almost 400, more examples and poof of the censorship and view counter suppression.

As I keep saying utterly ridiculous clown world, that is what we are living under, where anything is whatever they say it is on a whim, and they are running more psychological operations on the public at large than any time ever seen, in history before, the powers that be, quite literally consider their own populations as enemy targets, and most people are none the wiser, and some people even think that they are part of the club of the elite LOL, that is, just because they are good slave minds who follow any and everything that is pushed on the public at large here in the Western world.

Simultaneously with all the general nonsense in society today, they are running more PSYOP campaigns and active measures against me Stephen Bell then I have ever witnessed before! this target individual program that has gone public, furthermore anybody and everybody is literally being coerced and incited to act against me in real time, often as the government’s de facto gang stalkers, proxies especially any and every time, I’m in public and in their vicinity, the targeted individual program, synthetic telepathy communication system is being used predominantly to run these operations, which furthermore are controlled here in Denmark, by the Danish intelligence agency call PET.

Whom in close cooperation with Denmark’s radio and the Danish state, are constantly plotting to set me up in a range of ways, always scheming quite openly in fact, not to mention always broadcasting some PSYOP claiming that I’m the protagonist in all of their virtual movie fabrications, supposedly depicting me in all kinds of compromising sexual situations, and if not that, then committing heinous crimes, but for some reason this supposedly evidence or footage, that they show on repeat is never being used against me, in a court of law! it’s like it doesn’t get any more blatantly obvious, at least for anybody with a brain and independent thinking skills.

To top it all off! Don’t forget how I’m always walking around covered in my own filth from head to toe, because that is just the kind of dude I am WAT?! here in the upsidedown clown world of course, obviously not real either! Regardless this is what they want you to believe, in fact don’t believe your own lying eyes and ears, only listen to the latest mass broadcasted propaganda and PSYOPS this is literally where we are at in Western societies here in late August of 2023. And it is only going to get worse!!!!!!!

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