THEREFORE you should NEVER AGAIN dump the Egg water away 💥

3 years ago

Do you always dump your egg water too? - Here I show you why you should NEVER do that again!

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Do you always cook your breakfast eggs in the crockpot with lots of water too? Then what do you do with the egg water afterwards? Most people just dump their egg water, but you definitely shouldn't do that! Why not and what you should do with the egg water instead, I show you once in this video!

You should keep the egg water, because when you boil the eggs, important nutrients from the eggshell are transferred into the water and these nutrients are perfect for your houseplants! One nutrient you will find in the egg water is calcium! This ensures that the PH value of the soil of your houseplants remains neutral.

However, you should not dump the hot water into your plants. Let the egg water cool for a few hours, then pour the water into a watering can or measuring cup and water your plants with the egg water. You can repeat this procedure once a week.

So you can use the water, which you would have otherwise dumped away, for your plants and they are happy about the natural fertilizer they have received! Try it out but definitely once!

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