Lower Limb Bones | 3D Anatomy of Lower Limb | Revision of Lower Limb Bones | Anatomy - Lecture #5

1 year ago

Bones of Lower Limb | How to Remember every bone of Lower Limb | Hip Bone and femur | Tibia and Fibula | Femur Bone Anatomy 3D | Bones and Joints | Foot Bones | निचले अंग की शारीरिक रचना | nichale ang kee shaareerik rachana

Lower limb anatomy refers to the study of the structures and components of the lower extremities of the human body. The lower limb, also known as the lower extremity, consists of the hip, thigh, knee, leg, and foot. Here are the main structures and bones of each region:


Hip joint: The ball-and-socket joint formed by the femur (thigh bone) and the acetabulum of the pelvis.


Femur: The longest and strongest bone in the body, located between the hip and the knee.
Patella (Kneecap): A small bone in front of the knee joint.


Knee joint: A hinge joint formed by the femur, tibia (shinbone), and patella.
Tibia: Also known as the shinbone, it is the larger bone of the lower leg.
Fibula: A slender bone located alongside the tibia in the lower leg.


Anterior Compartment:

Tibialis anterior: Located on the front of the leg, it helps with dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot.
Extensor digitorum longus: Extends the toes and dorsiflexes the foot.
Extensor hallucis longus: Extends the big toe and dorsiflexes the foot.

Posterior Compartment:

Gastrocnemius: The calf muscle that flexes the knee and plantarflexes the foot.
Soleus: Located beneath the gastrocnemius, it also helps with plantarflexion.
Tibialis posterior: Located deep within the leg, it helps with inversion and plantarflexion of the foot.

Medial Compartment:

Flexor digitorum longus: Flexes the toes.
Flexor hallucis longus: Flexes the big toe.
Tibialis posterior: Also present in the medial compartment, it helps with inversion and plantarflexion.


Tarsal bones: Seven bones that make up the posterior part of the foot, including the calcaneus (heel bone), talus, navicular, cuboid, and three cuneiform bones.

Metatarsal bones: Five long bones located in the middle of the foot, connecting the tarsal bones to the phalanges.

Phalanges: The bones of the toes, with three phalanges in each toe (except the big toe, which has two).

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For Queries: mshabiulhasnain781@gmail.com

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