Foreign Fighters Funeral Service Killed On 2022 Ukrainian Independence Day

1 year ago

We said goodbye to three more soldiers who died in battle on Independence Day during the Kharkiv-Counter Offensive fighting near the city of Izyum.

Danahay Jed William «Jed»

(31.12.1994, Nanago, Australia - 24.08.22, Izyum region, Kharkiv oblast, Ukraine )

“Typical Aussie. He was like the main character from ‘Crocodile Dundee’” - say his brothers in arms. In Australia he was a hunter, and loved to spend his time in the outback.

“Whenever we would sit down to eat, he’d always use a pair of homemade chopsticks, and would say that when we go to Australia, and find him up in some tree, that he’d still have them with him. He’d joke about spending no more than 2-3 weeks of the year at home” says his commander, Tim.

Jed could fix almost anything. One time he fixed a car using a piece of scrap metal. Always joking, and able to make anyone laugh with just a conversation. He was a medic, and the best driver in his squad. A quick learner, and would never turn down any work. “I remember one time he came onto position, even though he wasn’t scheduled. I asked him what he was doing there, and he said “we don’t have enough people, so here I am!”

Jed died in battle on Independence Day, in a direct firefight with the russian enemy, when the battalion was fighting to take control of a new elevation.
Eternal glory.

MACKINTOSH Craig Stanley «Pikie»
(30.01.1974, Norfolk, UK – 24.08.22, Izyum region, Kharkiv oblast, Ukraine)

“He was a good soldier, and had the right motivation. A man with a brave, and hot heart” recalls Jesus, his squad commander.

“Pikie was a wide-eyed, and grateful individual. He knew how to value the moment, and was always glad to help” remembers Eva, unit paramedic.

With the start of the full-scale incursion he came to volunteer in Irpin and Bucha. He found the Carpathian Sich because he wanted to take a more active, military role.

He was a professional medic. He came to Ukraine because of his desire to help people, and save lives. Courageous.

Pikie died in battle on Independence Day, in a direct firefight with the russian enemy, when the battalion was fighting to take control of a new elevation.
Eternal glory.

MUNOZ Barazeta Jaime Jesus

(May 14, 1984, Gigardot, Colombia - August 24, 2022, Izyum direction, Ukraine)

Daughters Mariana (born in 2008), Sara (born in 2012) and Vanesa (born in 2015) and common-law wife Carmen remained at home.

Munoz served in the army in Colombia. Military specialty sniper and machine gunner. Wounded twice. This summer he arrived in Ukraine to use his experience in the fight against Russia.

Comrades speak of Munoz as a professional in his field, an experienced and fearless warrior.

Munoz was killed in the Battle of Independence Day, fighting the Russian enemy as the battalion fought for new heights.

Karpatska Sich

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The Biblical Warrior!
Romans 13: 4
For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.

МАКІНТОШ Крейг Стенлі / MACKINTOSH Craig Stanley «Pikie»

(30.01.1974, Norfolk, UK – 24.08.22, Україна, Харківська обл., Ізюмський р-н )

«Добрий солдат, що прийшов з правильною мотивацією. Людина з відважним та гарячим серцем», - розповідає командир відділення Джізус.

«Пайкі завжди був людиною «з широкими очима», він вмів бути вдячним за все, цінувати момент та завжди щасливий допомогти», - згадує парамедик Ева.

З початком повномасштабного вторгнення працював, як громадський активіст в Ірпіні та Бучі. Карпатську Січ знайшов, бо захотів приєднатись саме до бойового підрозділу.
Був професійним медиком.

Приїхав в Україну з бажанням допомагати людям та рятувати життя. Відважний.

Пайкі загинув у Битві на День Незалежності, у прямому бою з російським ворогом, коли батальйон боровся за нові висоти.

Вічна Слава!

Данахай Джед Вільям / Danahay Jed William «Jed»
(31.12.1994, Австралія, Нананґо - 24.08.22, Україна, Харківська обл., Ізюмський р-н )

«Типовий австралієць. Наче головний герой з фільму «Крокодил Данді», - так про нього відзиваються бойові побратими. В Австралії займався мисливством. Любив жити в диких умовах.

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