Pharma Prices; Chinese Entrepreneur; Putin's Strongest Asset; New City | YBS: News Roundup Aug 29

1 year ago

00:00 Intro
02:04 Pharma Prices
16:20 Chinese Entrepreneur
26:50 Putin's Strongest Asset
32:25 New City

Live Questions:
38:38 I hope you’re excited for college football!
38:57 Have you read “Art of the Argument” by Stefan Molyneux? Seems pro-liberty and I was curious if you know of the author. It’s not often I hear someone characterize freedom as the absence of coercion outside Oism.
40:53 Glad you're going to JP's event, but are you acknowledging the right may not be as bad as you thought, or are you just trying to flip his followers?
43:21 How long should Copyrights last? The current policy seems to prioritize writings from 100+ years ago as opposed to active writers.
45:56 What do you think about John Stossel?
47:10 That new city across the bay you mentioned, what will they do for electricity at night? Or will they be using candles?
48:16 Thanks for all the great analysis
48:21 Have you read Gideons “Decline and fall of the Roman Empire” written around the time of the American revolution seems like it was influenced by the age if reason?
49:08 What do you say to people who argue that drug prices are inelastic and pharmaceutical companies can simply raise prices without any correlated shift in demand?
52:22 To what degree do you think the Chinese government is involved in Chinese tech/computer companies?
53:18 Does ARU use “Logical Leap: Induction in Physics” as a sort of text book like I hear they do with OPAR? The opening says ARI helped fund it and it seems valuable for teaching Induction + science

55:17 Outro

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