Toddler finds out about her new baby sister

7 years ago

3-year-old Leighton reveals the gender of her baby sibling on the way to her grandma and grandpa with help from Build-A-Bear. How cute is that?!

Most kids would love to get a baby sibling, because it means that they will have a friend that they will love and cherish and protect forever. Some of these kids do have a preference though, especially if it's a boy with two sisters already and another one on the way.

But some times your older child will scream and bang their head up against a wall, fearing that this new baby brother or sister will usurp all of mom's and dad's attention. This is where it is best that you show your older child that they will not feel lack of parental love and attention.

You can help your firstborn accept the new sibling, by giving them special jobs around the baby, so that they feel included in this new creature's life. Ask for their advice about how to dress the baby, or if they want to read the baby a story. You can also read them stories about their new roles as older siblings; this way both the baby and the older child will feel at ease with each other and you will educate them on the simple pleasures of being siblings.

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