Causing Havoc in the Grey base @ Lahaina

1 year ago

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I begin the session with investigating HOW to be for what I have in mind for tonight. I want to do two audacious things: energy sessions, creating sessions, imagination as the key. The very fact it has been used as fuel to create the realities the ‘others’ want us to live, shows ow powerful it truly is.
0.55 I want to go in and spook all the human beings working in the underground Grey base in Lahaina, to want to NEVER go into that base again.
1.17 I have no idea how to do this yet; I want to see it as a very silly exercise, with a very serious purpose.
1.25 The second thing I want to do is unite the grid of child consciousness to the true earth energy. (I undertake this the next day, 29th August.) I talk at length about the nature of a child’s energy, and their protection.
6.30 I explain the nature of protection i want to set up, and to strengthen the earth energy connection to the child souls: a joy of nature. resilience against technocracy, because that is who they actually are: the ‘air-benders’.
8.18 I prepare myself fo what I will be doing: making myself invisible…so that I can be safe, but can ‘interfere’.
I explain my proposal to Kari: I am in no way happy about the children being killed and taken in Hawai. I am pissed off and will do something about it.
9.45 I want to spook all the human beings working in the underground Grey base in Lahaina, to want to NEVER go into that base again.
The tools will be:
Playing with the air conditioning system, changing temperatures, create mini hurricanes/ blasts of air.
11.00 And to encourage and ask the earth to create rumble beneath and a round the base (the earth actually reacts to me with this, the next day…so listen to the next video of August 29th for that particular function…)
11.50 “How does scaring them make them repulsed?” Kari asks : I want to scare them so that it looks supernatural/paranormal- like the stuff the they are representing: a mirroring.
12.21 These people thought they were in charge, with technology and occult energetic things. But if we use some etheric natural trickery, to appear as their taskmasters we will be able to fight them with their tools. Because they will always fear their dark master.
14.20 Introducing my second theme to help the children and strengthen their protection, by activating the connection of the vital earth energy to the children.
15.55 I would not have had the idea unless in some way it is possible- as ideas are focal moments for new creations to emerge.
16.08 Kari responds by talking about the qualities of Lilith, when I ask her what she thinks.
16.44 Lilith has come up in my feed too, because of the energy principle she represents, the ‘rebel warrior’, AND I explain the danger of relying upon an entity about whom we truly cannot know so much, due to the overwhelming disinformation at work in every area of life.
18.00 Kari: “So we could be inspired by that.”
18.33 Kari explains how much energy she is feeling due to working in this way…
19.13 We get organised, decide how we will appear when we are in the base, and go into our soul rooms to get ‘kitted up’ for our adventure, safely and confidently.
20.30 Kari has a question: should we appear scary? And I say I want to be invisibly causing chaos…
21.2o Kari comes up with Glenda the Good Witch, we laugh.
22.09 I offer a variety of solutions to Kari’s question of how to prevent them form detecting our frequency: a piece of kit we design, a decision of will, a cloaking device, an armband with that, - whatever you want.
22.45 And before we leave, to each find within our Soul Room, several ’tools’ to use in this mischief making operation. - And they can be fun. I want our imaginations wide open.
24.10 For example, I want tools I can use with the air-conditioning system, the vents, the dials and computer controls.
24.42 Kari is starting to explore possible approaches…and I explain spooky and scary starts when you feel you don’t have any control over what is happening….doubt, unease, until you get to full fear level where you meet guilt….we want them to reach guilt: SPOOK to Guilt, to activate them to leave and go.
25.50 Kari admits she is not used to thinking this way. But Kari always says these things and then comes up with genius…. ;) We are creative beings, end of story.
I count us down and we find characters….
27.00 We are having fun….Kari’s ‘Super woman’ is armed with a golden star- a ninja star thrower. The stars can do all sorts of things.
28.00 The only thing I could see was a darth vadar helmet, but the brain beneath gave me the idea fo making something appear differently to what it actually is- unison things like a poltergeist would.
28.30 Kari sees the goddess with all the arms who rides a lion: we find she is Durga- later…she gets very ferocious. Kari is going to be her.
29.45 I am invisible and I can manipulate air and I have crystal with which I can manipulate and sue my thought to programme computer systems.
30.30 Krishna is coming with Kari. Riding the lion with her.
31.00 We choose to go through the soil into the base or fly in through the entrance.
31.20 I just want to ascertain Kari’s character can get there….
31.15 We arrive at the entrance: we head fo sth main control room- doing ‘psychic ‘hop’ there, holding hands. I cod form five to zero when we will arrive in the vicinity.
33.00 A ‘fair-humming bank of stuff, huge computers….I ask Kari what she is drawn to.
33.31Kari is there with her lion, as superwoman. An eagle guy is there somehow. Kari is in a great big circular room with banks of computers and screens. And I am in banks of computer hardrive, floor to almost ceiling- at the edge of the room where Kari is. My first impulse is to install my crystal not he system and begin to programme the computer banks.
34.50 I refer to the work Kari and I did in the three letter agency rooms…where we infected the computers with nonsense….I want to do the same with these , putting in a a whole bunch of stupid little phrases, which disturb and annoy with their silliness.
35.45 I have added that ‘bug’/ Agri sis flying around in a circle, creating a vortex, flooding the place with light the people get blissed-out. They won’t notice our mischief. Kari has installed White Tara, naked in the middle of the light pillar, mesmerising the people.
37.20 I call to Prime Creator for a tech expert so that I can understand the technology, take the crystal and move all the computer machinery to set up what the intention was…with the internal climate system. Basically a whole ‘tantrum’ of poltergeist spooking.
38.50 If there are any children the building, I want to go and see if we can help them in any way. I check Kari is ok with that, and she says she is happy to go with my lead. I ask her to be prepared, because it might be horrific. ( Because a friend of mine saw a lot of it yesterday.) I exhort Kari to create some kind of protective mechanism for her vision or emotions.
39.39 I talk to God: I ask for us to be taken to any children who may be there and enable us to do helpful things there.
40.20 I count down from ten and we arrive there.
40.40 I see about twelve children, who, I think they are dead, because they are just lying still, on the floor, wrapped in a simple towel. My instinct is to get them to their parents. I think we can do it with a gurney and an elevator- I can push buttons. If a trolley, with the little ones on it were to appear at the entrance level of this base, I think they may well be detected. I ask Kari what she is feeling.
She says we create all kinds of stealth devices so that we are unseen. I don’t yet know how to pick the children up and place them on the gurney.
42.08 We ask Krishna to do this for us.
42.30 I turn around in the room to see the other areas. I see various horrific things which have happened to more children. I ask Kari not to look, but I want to go back to the computer system before we leave, and send the footage of the surveillance cameras to the TLS.
43.34 We get the little babies and take them into the elevator. The children seem to be between three and seven - maybe even ten years old. Dark haired little ones, one blondie and two asian-looking children.
44.34 I use my crystal to override the elevator code.
44.52 Krishna, pushing the children out on the trolley as we emerge near the entrance.
45.00 I ‘almost’ se sunlight- knowing this entrance will be holographically shielded. I don’t like the idea of leaving the babies in the sunlight…I want them to be looked after and not to bloat…I want them to be found instantly, and I reach within for a solution…
46.46 I suddenly remember “Fish”. A whistle-blower, telling his story, a preacher in Lahaina, who witnessed the event and told his story to the property developer podcaster, ( Hawaii Real Estate on Youtube).
48.28 The idea I had was to have Fish wander over and discover the children, and so no authorities would be involved, but people who would come and get the little ones, because Fish is good at following his intuition.
48.48 SO we can talk to God to give him the impulse to wander down to the right place.
49.28 We will return to the base to mess about a bit more and alter the cloaking at the entrance.
49.30 I command Prime Creator to alert Fish and keep him safe, so that he can find the little ones, find other adults who can help him, hopefully find some of the parents. And bring some kind of relieve and also to help reveal more.
50.39 We both walk back into the base, the gurney is in the shade, and we can manipulate some cool air into that front area. We take ourselves back into the space where the White Tara is still entertaining the gentlemen and ladies. We go back on 5,4,3,2,1, zero.
51.35 I ask Kari to keep an eye on her ‘creation’ while I mess with the system, intend fo r actual people who can honour and love and respect the children as they come back to their family units. I feel I have now run low on energy. I ask Kari if she would like to introduce anything more into he system while we are there.
52.30 Kari wants to introduce pain relief into the room where the children were. I remember the cameras- to send the footage to the right people. I work out how to wire up the system so that TheLightSystem can access it.
We go for a hackable signal- we damage something so that the firewall can be hacked into so that the camera footage can be sent and picked up by the TLS.
52.20 Kari invents brilliant red button. which release a EMF to break down the system.
55.— Kari: “can we tone? -A tone of power, as the interrupter signal. “ We make a song on 1.
56.00 I decide we leave the place. Back in our soul room. We check on the pain killing for children. I suspect many children were taken off planet…
58.00 I decide to take a light-shower and add some sound. I decide to do part two the next day: activate the grid of the True Earth with the children’s consciousness. To enable them to become more vital and expressive and slightly help the adults around them so that the children wont be so suppressed. Nature and nature strengthening and supporting each other.
59.49 I ask Kari how she feels. And we discuss seeing bad stuff. I explain how I am used to making stories in my work (of facilitating drama and teaching improvisation and dramatic story telling), by allowing receiving, a download of flow, then you have a new thought and a consideration and then you allow the next flow. “ It’s like punctuating it with little pieces of willpower, guided by intuitive impulse. “
1.01.03 I exhort Agri to check all around her, to make sure she is free and clear. I have wrapped myself in an animated, self-drying moving cloth of my lovely apricot-pink soul essence I use often in my Soul room.
1.02 I feel it is good to keep on this ‘case’ as it is so ‘under the radar’ for many people.
1.02.30 Kari is busy praying and asking all the ascended masters to help us with this very important work. ( I am getting little blue sparks at the keyboard, as I typed those words now…) - And to help make our wishes and our commands come true. And to lead Fish to the children and to expose everything, and to add their energy to this throughout the whole earth. - The key event. And for this to no longer continue on the earth.
1.03.21 We didn’t activate the earthquake event ( although this gets picked up the next day by the planet…
1.04.00 Kari gets huge goosebumps and the little girl I spoke to last week, Shania, ( who was, “waiting for her Nana”) called ‘them’ the “dark wizards”. She was present as Kari said that And I thought the goosebumps could have been her presence.
1.05.11 Kari thanks Shania for all she did.
1.05.30 Many people - many ‘fingers’ are holding up this situation..working and weaving together. Knowing that ‘this is the turning point, this is the turning moment, this is the time, to stretch our essence and extend through these fields, these realms of the invisible and truly uplift and work with the divine and presence of our intelligence, our emotion, - also our physicality, bringing this down into earth : absolutely finding a way to create the finish line here. “
We express our mutual appreciation gently and Kari says: “I always wan tot make change by positive love- like flooding with love, so that they awaken to “ look what Ia m missing! I am focusing on darkness and fear and I could be with White Tara” .
And I support this with my recent event getting rid of the alligator character who had been haunting my mother so long…
1.08.35 Kari has a brilliant idea: “I think we should go around with vaccines for all those evil reptiles”, giving them the new upgrades we got for our souls…
How powerful are we, saying, “nah!” to what they have planned for us. We are doing the same to them…
1.05 45 If we inoculated them with their original soul template, most of the would poof-disintegrate.
1.10 20 Kari thinks of something to make a million billion dollars ( We generate high spirits with this work ;D) - an Earth re-set button to hit every day.
1.11.31 It is a good idea because it is introducing high energy because of moving from peace not joy- it extends the aura immediately.
1.12.11 Kari: “a set of three….earth reset, energy reset….”

The playful ideas are the most pure…Kari: “It’s all for love, right!?”
Thank you for watching.
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37365 is the destination tag

“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”

You can message me on this page using the email box if you would like to engage in one of these sessions yourself- to expand your tools, your awareness or to re-activate something specific. I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £30 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.

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