Richie the Clown has seen how many Children abused ? & done nothing , Time TO Meat Me !

1 year ago

Well Richie I am Good's Son Morgan ! OH I Mean God's , No difference! See richie I was wondering How you would deal with the fact you have been where children are being abused & know who does it & know GOd wants the truth not the law followed , let's go , deal with them !! No Ah ! You need the Children' right where they are so you can enjoy your new life telling everyone how what they do is wrong & what you do is right because you are now in agreement with men !! Like pastor Joey Who is a child of HTE devil like you ! I hear you say pastor Joey Pastor Joey not Christ! & you never will Because you can't even open up the Bible & start reading ti without having to stop every few paragraphs to tell people how Jesus id wrong & what pastor joey says is right , We do not need another Satanic pastor we need aman who is willing to tell the truth with out Con-Tracts or Lie- Words & Money & your in Our docrine here is a peice of papert you can shove up your AssClown Gong Show.

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