Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 8-30-23: Problematic Catholic Bookend Beliefs – Part 3

1 year ago

Today we’re embarking on Part 3 in this three-part series, in which we’re briefly examining Catholic theology based on a couple of small books by a Catholic priest. These books by Albert Joseph Mary Shannon are titled Genesis – The Book of Origins and Apocalypse – The Book for Our Times. It’s important to understand as I discuss what I read that these books have been determined by Catholic authorities as having no doctrinal errors. They’re sanctioned in this way through the awarding of what are called the Nihil obstat and the Imprimatur.

The first book regarding Genesis that we completely covered in Part 1 of this series provides a Catholic view of Genesis. On the positive side, the author of these books makes a number of good, solid doctrinal statements as I interpret them. On the other hand, because they imbibe deeply, by definition, in Catholic doctrine, from my Biblical and prophetic perspective, I found many errors in the thinking.

In Part 2, we began looking at Vatican teaching presented in this little book - Apocalypse – The Book for Our Times – that discusses Revelation. I believe it has serious issues which present a skewed understanding of this last book in the Bible

For today’s Part 3 we’ll endeavor to bring this study to a close as this book we’re examining deals with God’s Judgments in the Tribulation.

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Please note that the transcript is available on my website blog under the post with the same title.

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