Steven D. Kelley, Presidential Campaign 2024, Part 3:

1 year ago

This is an American Election Bit It Concerns The World”:

1. Real Removal of All Mafia From American Politics And A Shut Down Of Mafia Operations World Wide.

2. Re~Industrialize the US, Reverse The Print Money, Make Nothing Doctrine In Effect Now.

3. Bring All Taiwanese Semi-Conductor Production To The US With Any Taiwanese That Want To Live Here.

4. Engage Rusia In An Effort To Resolve The Fukushima Problem So we May All Live.

5. Remove All Laws Protecting Drug Companies From Law Suits.

6. End All Vaccine Programs Until New Evaluation Of Entire Program Have Been Completed.

For more information visit:

□ Steven D Kelley
For President 2024

Steven D Kelley

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