Freemason Symbols Mark The Spot | Flat Earth #Area51South

1 year ago

This 2017 compilation of Freemason Symbol Chemtrails and giant X's was made to show everyone back then and NOW to keep looking up. Stop looking down at your devices, look to the skies! Many people were oblivious to the chemtrails throughout the past two decades. They ramped them up big time around the time when flat earth went viral, but they were doing them way before because I began to notice them in 2003. I did a lot of investigating in my area and even called airports where these planes were coming from, I was told it was top secret. We even had a local radio host investigate because we could see groups of planes fly out over our locations and begin a spraying campaign.

They would literally take formation and take turns crossing over each other's patterns. It was being done deliberately. Now if you've paid attention, the chemtrails have slowed down since 2020. There are far less now. I still see many planes going over my area and I get normal condensation trails. But every once in awhile we get the GIANT FREEMASON symbols, X's and Tic Tac Toe boards. This is not normal, it's not contrails because contrails dissipate. Chemtrails block out the sun and they will expand into hazy nasty looking clouds that will turn a clear sky into a overcast day. These trails help block out missing curvature observations, they were also a big reason why we don't get real photos of earth, they don't want to show these patterns from overhead. A big part of your tax money stolen by NASA was and is going to these programs. So when you see them! Document this garbage!

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