1 year ago

1️⃣ Massive Black Holes Collision

Two massive black holes collide after a gravitational dance. This is due to their extreme gravitational attraction.

This event typically appears as a smooth merging process, without any visible explosion or dramatic effects. But they generate powerful gravitational waves that travel at the speed of light. These waves cause ripples in the fabric of space-time.

During the propagation, they modify the distance between the masses distributed in spacetime, causing distortions in a perpendicular way.

🌐During the gravitational dance before merging, the gravitational distortion that alters the path of light is clearly seen.
We begin to perceive the phenomenon of DOPPLER-BOOSTING / BEAMING and subsequently that of Gravitational Lensing.

2️⃣ Neutron Stars Collision

When two Neutron Stars or two stellar Black Holes collide and merge an explosion called Kilonova occurs.

Kilonova is an explosion 100/200 and more powerful than a Supernova and many times more than a Hypernova.

It happens when two super massive and ultra dense and compact objects ... usually binary Neutron Stars ... go into coalescence

The reciprocal rotation increases more and more vertically until the collision.

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