Sinclair: Getting people excited about genetic alteration...

1 year ago

David Sinclair: (Getting people excited about being genetically edited...) 1.) "Excited about CRISPR fixing our Genetics" Changing genetic code. "Read the DNA and re-write it" "Turn on genes" 2.) "Clones organs in his lab" "Reprogramming organs; genes; to restore eyesight and reset the body" "Universal reset switch". "Reset the age of the body one day, we've done it in mice... in my lab we can drive aging forwards and backwards in mice easily". "We take human skin cells, make them into stem cells" "I can make a sperm out of your skin cells and an egg and fertilize that". "I can make mini organs from you, and test drugs" (Sounds like "The Island" is already in play here lol). "Personalized medicine" "We grow mini-brains in the lab, we got them from people who are pre-disposed to Alzheimer's, and we age these brains so they are 80 years old, we give the mini-brains Alzheimer's and Dementia in the dish, then we turn on those 3 embryonic genes OS&K and those brains reverse aging and Alzheimer's goes away.

1 Feb 2022 The Aging Process Is UNSTOPPABLE. Or Is It?? Anti-Aging Secrets w/ David Sinclair
Source (Clip Timestamp: 47:58-1:03:50)

Papers he shared on Telegram:

Chemically induced reprogramming to reverse cellular aging

Glimpse of success? Life Biosciences' gene therapy restores visual function in primates with eye disorder

The loss of epigenetic information: not only consequences but a cause of mammalian aging

Optogenetic rejuvenation of mitochondrial membrane potential extends C. elegans lifespan

Tea Consumption and All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality in the UK Biobank

David Sinclair - Lifespan book, Lifespan Supplemental book (both found on Telegram). Also my (biased) notes from book.

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