Toilet Cleaning ⚡️ 5 INSANE tricks that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE 💥

2 years ago

How do you clean your toilet? - In this video I'll show you 5 weird but incredibly effective lifehacks on how to clean your toilet!

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Probably there is no one who likes to clean his toilet. But still, this task needs to be done every now and then. But how exactly do you clean your toilet? There are, apart from the usual household products, also a lot of lifehacks, how you can clean your toilet. These can help you sometimes even with stubborn limescale and urine deposits and should therefore definitely be tried once. In this video, I show you a total of 5 tricks that you probably did not know yet, but in the future no longer want to miss!

1. WD-40
Cleaning the toilet with WD-40? Sounds weird, but it actually works incredibly well. Just spray a good amount of WD-40 into your toilet, even under the rim, and let it sit for a few minutes. After that, take your toilet brush and scrub all over it. You will quickly notice that with WD-40 even stubborn dirt under the rim is dissolved. Then simply flush again and the toilet will shine like new again!

2. cola + baking soda
Grab a half liter of cola and dump it into your toilet. In the best case, of course, stale cola, which you would no longer drink anyway. Now spread baking soda all over the toilet and let it soak in for a few minutes before you start wiping. The ingredients in cola make it perfect for cleaning.

3. dishwashing tab
The conventional dishwashing tab can also be used for cleaning the toilet. Put one or two dishwashing tabs in your toilet, depending on how dirty it is, and wait until they are completely dissolved. Now start scrubbing with the toilet brush and the toilet will shine like new again. Here, too, stubborn lime deposits and urine deposits can be dissolved.

4. oven spray
If you have yellow discolorations under your toilet seat that cannot be removed by normal cleaning, you can simply use oven spray. Spray this once on the discolored areas and then let it sit for 15-20 minutes. After that, take a pot sponge and just scrub the discoloration away! Finally, wipe again with a damp cloth over it and the yellowed toilet seat shine like new again!

5. toothpaste
Toothpaste not only makes your teeth shine, you can also make your toilet shine. To do this, simply spread some toothpaste in your toilet and scrub your toilet with the toilet brush. Finally, flush again and everything shines like new again!

These were all 5 tricks that you can use to clean your toilet and make it shine again. Be sure to try it out!

❌ THIS must not be missing in any household! ❌

✅ Washing Soda ➡️ *
✅ Baking Soda ➡️ *
✅ Citric Acid ➡️ *
✅ Vinegar ➡️ *
✅ Microfiber Cloth ➡️ *

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