Sept 10th 2001: Israeli's Dressed as Arabs, NY Recon Mission

1 year ago

The so-called Dancing Five Israeli's of 9/11. Spotted in New Jersey by witness "Maria" celebrating the WTC attacks dressed as Arabs.
Upon arrest later that day, New Yorkers were stopping their cars to lean out & spit & swear at these five clean-cut Israeli's! Why? Because they were still dressed as Arabs when arrested.
Many years later, the Feds were forced through a Freedom of Information demand to release redacted, censored, photocopied images from the five Israeli's camera. But they are shown in western dress. How come?
The Feds redacted the dating on all the images released, except one. That date is NOT Sept 11th 2001! It's the day before, Sept 10th. The five wore western dress on the day before 9/11, on their recon mission.

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